

目前顯示的是 11月, 2018的文章

[Resharper] fix "if" template

Resharper 2018.2.3 hsa a bug for "if" template will not found the basic expression such as field and local variable. how to fix it? ctrl + Q -> find "template explorer" -> find "c#" -> find "if" and change the "expr" change the expr form smart completion to basic completion

[tips] how to hide vs2017 build progress window

Due to I coding through my mbp laptop. the screen is small, and I don't pin test & solution explorer. when I run all test, I need to popup the test explorer to see test status. but I found the test explorer will dismiss automatically. This bother me a lot. After I survey for a while, I found two setting will affect this. 1. tools -> options - > projects and solutions, uncheck "show output window when build start" 2. codemaid -> options-> progressing, uncheck "show build progress window when a build starts" done. finally I could check test status easily and press <ESC> to dismiss test explorer window.